美式英语口语 美式英语口语视频

时间:2023-05-03 11:13/span> 作者:tiger 分类: 新知 浏览:5432 评论:0


“互联网+”时代,我们不仅仅只是停留在懂得它们的中文“是什么?”,它们还是带你进入Yahoo“原版英语”语言环境的Key words,同时我们还可以用它们做把英语学成英语的英语口语训练。


1) Pass with flying colors 考出好成绩

1. Yahoo pass with flying colors试试,无限的“原版英语”呈现在你眼前供你做“主题原版英语”阅读。

2.把学过的高中英语用起来表达pass with flying colors并练口语:

Well,if someone passes with flying colors, they succeed at their exams easily.They go through their exams successfully.They make it at their tests.They sail through their exams.

3. 反过来使用pass with flying colors:

Well,if you succeed at your exams easily,if you go through your exams successfully,if you make it at your tests,if you sail through your exams, what will you say?

You'll say:I pass with flying colors.

2) Put / Get your thinking cap on 开动脑筋

1. Yahoo get put your thinking cap on试试,无限的“原版英语”呈现在你眼前供你做“主题原版英语”阅读。

2.把学过的高中英语用起来表达Put / Get your thinking cap on 并练口语:

Well,if you put or get your thinking cap on,you mean you begin thinking very hard about something, especially you're trying to find/you want to come up with a solution to a problem.

Well,if you put or get your thinking cap on,you mean you start thinking in a very serious manner.

For example, you may say:

1. It's time to put our thinking caps on, children.

2. All right now, let's put on our thinking caps and do some arithmetic(算术题).

3) 反过来使用put/get your thinking cap on:

Well,if you begin thinking very hard about something, especially you're trying to find/you want to come up with a solution to a problem,if you start thinking in a very serious manner,what will you say?

You will say:Well,let's put on our thinking cap for this problem.

未完待续 To be continued
