adolescent 英文短文adolescent
Adolescent brides
Child marriage in America has fallen sharply—but not far enough
When April Kelley was 15 she was married, against her will, to a family friend seven years her senior. He drove her six hours from her home state of Arkansas into Missouri, which then had looser laws governing the marriage of minors.
Senior is used when indicating how much older one person is than another. For example, if someone is ten years your senior, they are ten years older than you. 年长 (岁数) 的人
She became involved with a married man many years her senior.
A minor is a person who is still legally a child. In most states in the United States, people are minors until they reach the age of eighteen. 未成年者
The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors.
在艾普丽尔·凯利 15 岁时,她违背自己的意愿嫁给了一个比她大7岁的氏族朋友。他驱车6小时将她从家乡阿肯色州接到密苏里州,当时密苏里州对未成年人婚姻的管理相对宽松。
April remembers a county clerk at the ceremony peering at her tear-stained face and asking if she wanted to go ahead; she was too terrified to reply, she recalls. Her mother and husband-to-be nodded their assent.
peer at
美 [p?r ?t]
She didn&39;t even glance at the titles on Susan&39;s bookshelf or peer at her family photos.
美 [&39;t?? ste?nd] 英 [&39;t?? ste?nd]
If you assent to something, you agree to it or agree with it. 同意
I assented to the request of the American publishers to write this book.
Back in Arkansas, she lived with her in-laws. April’s husband would take her out of school at lunch break to have sex and often kept her home, sending fake medical notes to her teachers. He would not even let her shower alone.
英 [&39;inl?:] 美 [??n l??]
n. 姻亲
More than a decade later, April cries as she describes the experience, which she endured for a little over a year. After her father-in-law started acting lasciviously towards her, she ran away.
英 [l??s?vi?sli] 美 [l??s?vi?sli]
adv. 好色地;淫乱地;猥亵地
Laws ought to protect children from such horrors, but America’s too often do not. Though most states have a minimum marrying age of 18, most also have exceptions—generally, by the consent of a parent or approval of a judge.
If you consent to something, you agree to do it or to allow it to be done. 同意
He finally consented to go.
Missouri is one of 14 states (as well as Washington, DC) that gives county clerks rather than judges the power to issue marriage licences for minors. Nine states have no lower age limit.
英 [???u?] 美 [???u?]
n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;<旧>结果,后果
v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出
A push for legal reform is having some success. In recent years at least 27 states have passed laws to limit child marriages. In the past four years Delaware, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island have all eliminated the exemptions that allow minors to marry.
Reform consists of changes and improvements to a law, social system, or institution. A reform is an instance of such a change or improvement. 改革; 改良
The party embarked on a programme of economic reform.
To eliminate something, especially something you do not want or need, means to remove it completely. 根除
Recent measures have not eliminated discrimination in employment.
英 [?ɡ?zemp?n] 美 [?ɡ?zemp?n]
n. 免除,豁免;免税,免税额
Yet resistance to such reforms remains, on both the right and the left. In 2017 an attempt to set a minimum marrying age of 18 in California (which has no lower age limit) failed after opposition from advocacy groups including the left-leaning American Civil Liberties Union.
An advocacy group or organization is one that tries to influence the decisions of a government or other authority. 游说 (组织)
Consumer advocacy groups are not so enthusiastic about removing restrictions on the telephone companies.
The same year Chris Christie, then the Republican governor of New Jersey, vetoed a similar bill, saying it did not “comport with the sensibilities and, in some cases, the religious customs, of the people of this state”. More generally, lawmakers have failed to press for reform because the number of marrying minors has fallen dramatically. In 1960, 6.8% of American girls aged 15-17 were married; today less than 1% are.
veto bill
英[?vi?t?? b?l] .美[?vi?to? b?l]
The White House says the president would veto the bill.
religious customs
英[r??l?d??s ?k?st?mz] 美[r??l?d??s ?k?st?mz]
英 [dr??m?t?kli] 美 [dr??m?t?kli]
adv. 剧烈地,明显地;戏剧性地,夸张地
The cost of living has increased dramatically.
同年,时任新泽西州州长的共和党人克里斯·克里斯蒂也否决了一项类似的法案,称该法案“不符合该州人民的情感,在某些情况下,也不符合该州的宗教习俗”。 更普遍的是,由于未成年人结婚人数的大幅下降,立法者未能推动改革。1960 年,15-17 岁的美国女孩中有 6.8% 已婚,而如今这一比例还不到 1%。
That is still too many, say campaigners. A study published last year by Unchained At Last, an advocacy group, estimated that 297,000 minors were married in America between 2000 and 2018, and 60,000 of them were under their state’s age of consent (for sex).
英 [k?m?pe?n?(r)] 美 [k?m?pe?n?r]
n. 竞选者;从军者;出征者;老兵
A campaigner is a person who campaigns for social or political change. 从事活动者
英 [?n?t?e?n] 美 [?n?t?e?n]
vt. 释放;解除
Patchy state data mean this is almost certainly a big undercount, says Fraidy Reiss, Unchained’s executive director. Most minors who marry are girls, she says, and the practice occurs across all ethnic groups and religions. Many of the marriages are prompted by religious beliefs or are immigration-related. Federal immigration law does not specify a minimum age for marriage-related visa petitions.
If something is patchy, it is not completely reliable or satisfactory because it is not always good. 不很可靠的; 不很令人满意的
The evidence is patchy.
英 [?nd??ka?nt] 美 [??nd?r?ka?nt]
v. 少计(尤指人口统计数)
n. 少计(额)
If you specify something, you give information about what is required or should happen in a certain situation. 明确要求
They specified a spacious entrance hall.
英 [p??t??n] 美 [p??t??n]
n. 请愿书; 申诉书,申请书;请愿,祈求,祈祷
v. (向政府或组织)请愿,请求;起诉,递交诉状;(向上帝或国王等)祈求,祈愿
A petition is a formal request made to a court of law for some legal action to be taken. 诉状; (向法院提出的) 申请
His lawyers filed a petition for all charges to be dropped.
Escaping from a legal child marriage is difficult. Domestic-violence shelters tend not to accept lone children, who are considered runaways; the police may try to send them back home. Securing a divorce is also tricky. Few lawyers will take on child clients , even if the child has the means to pay them.
Domestic-violence shelters
If you secure something that you want or need, you obtain it, often after a lot of effort. 争取到
Federal leaders continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.
If you describe a task or problem as tricky, you mean that it is difficult to do or deal with. 难对付的
Parking can be tricky downtown.