environment environment的缩写

时间:2023-06-21 23:01/span> 作者:tiger 分类: 新知 浏览:8882 评论:0

US President Donald Trump deplanes from Air Force One as he returns to Washington after travel to the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, US, May 27, 2020. [Photo/Agencies]

>Twitter flags Trump tweet


Twitter on Tuesday added a fact-checking label to two tweets by US President Trump, the first time the social media platform has used such a label for the president's tweets. 5月26日,社交媒体平台推特在美国总统特朗普发的两条推文下加上了事实核查标签,这是推特首次给特朗普的推文贴上这样的标签。

The tweet now includes a link directing users to information debunking the president's false claims about mail-in voting fraud. 现在推文下包含一个链接,引导用户去查看信息,这些信息揭穿了特朗普关于邮寄选票会造成大选舞弊的声明不实。

In his tweets, Trump alleged that mail-in ballots will be "substantially fraudulent" and result in a "rigged election." 特朗普在其数则推文中声称,邮寄选票"具有极大的欺诈性",将导致"选举舞弊"。

There is no evidence of widespread fraud in voting by mail, but Trump had been spreading his unfounded claims for weeks, as more states expand mail-in voting during the coronavirus pandemic.新冠病毒疫情期间,越来越多的州开始推广以邮寄选票的方式进行投票,没有证据显示邮寄选票中存在广泛的欺诈行为,但数周来特朗普一直在散布这一毫无根据的说法。


>Mask with opening for food


Israeli inventors have developed a coronavirus mask with a remote control mouth that lets diners eat food without taking it off, a device they say could make a visit to a restaurant less risky.以色列发明家发明了一种预防新型冠状病毒的口罩,这种口罩有一个可以远程控制的开口,可以让用餐者不用取下口罩就能用餐。发明者说,这种口罩可以降低去餐厅就餐的风险。

A squeeze of a lever, much like a cyclist operates a handbrake, opens a slot in the front of the mask so that food can pass through.用餐者只需挤压控制杆,就像骑自行车的时候捏手刹一样,口罩前面就会打开一个狭槽,人们就可以通过这个狭槽把食物送进嘴里。

Avtipus said the company plans to start manufacturing the mask within months and had already submitted a patent.阿提卡斯公司表示,计划在几个月内开始生产这种口罩,并已申请了专利。

It said it would likely sell at a 3 to 10 shekel premium above the price of the simple pale blue medical masks many Israelis wear.这款口罩的售价可能比很多以色列人佩戴的普通蓝色医用口罩高出3-10谢克尔(约合人民币6-20元)。


>Soles for beach-lovers


Beach lovers rejoice - you can now enjoy a stroll along the beach without burning your feet on the scorching hot sand. 沙滩爱好者们的福音来了。现在你们在享受海滩漫步时不会再被滚烫的沙子灼伤脚底了。

An Italian company has created stick-on soles that can protect your feet when you're clambering over rocks and swimming in the sea. 一家意大利公司发明了一款可粘贴鞋底,可以在你攀岩或在海里游泳时保护你的双脚。

Nakefit's waterproof and cut-proof soles are available for pre-order now, with 10 pairs costing 30 euros. Nakefit防水防割伤鞋底现在可预订,10双售价为30欧元。

The creators say the rubber soles are heat resistant, making them ideal for walking along sandy beaches. 发明者称,这款橡胶鞋底能隔热,使其成为沙滩漫步时的理想选择。

The alternative to flip-flops also is anti-slip, and can be peeled off and on for multiple uses. 作为人字拖的替代品,它还防滑,可以反复穿脱,多次使用。

As well as protecting against the sun, the soles can be worn in the swimming pool to protect against verrucas (扁平疣) and other infections. Nakefit鞋底不仅能保护双脚免被太阳灼伤,还可以在游泳池穿着以防止扁平疣和其他感染。

The soles come in black, pink and light blue and a range of sizes for men and women.橡胶鞋底有黑、粉和浅蓝三种颜色,以及各种男女尺码。

Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

>Childbirth harms the planet


By not having a child, the carbon footprint of an individual living in a developed country would be reduced on average by an extra 58.6 tons of carbon dioxide every year, based on current emission rates. 按照现在的排放速率,如果不生孩子,发达国家每年的个人碳排放量将平均额外减少58.6吨。

This is the biggest impact of all possible actions you could take to help the environment. 这是你能采取的环保行动中最有效的一种。

A team from Sweden's Lund University came to this conclusion after conducting an analysis of the things individuals can do to produce less greenhouse gases. 瑞典隆德大学的一个团队在分析了个人为减少温室气体排放量所能采取的行动后,得出了上述结论。

Lead author Seth Wynes - who does not have any children - said: "We found there are four actions that could result in substantial decreases in an individual's carbon footprint: Eating a plant-based diet, avoiding air travel, living car-free, and having smaller families." 该研究的第一作者塞思·温斯表示:"我们发现四种行为可以大幅降低个人碳排放量,即吃植物性食物、不坐飞机、不开车和缩小家庭规模。"塞思本人没有孩子。

The impact of having a child is calculated by factoring in not only the extra impact of the child, but also that of their potential future descendants. 计算生一个孩子对碳排放量的影响有多大,不仅要考虑这个孩子额外产生的碳排量,还要考虑其可能产生的后代的碳排量。

The researchers said: "Persuading a US family to have one less child would provide the same level of emissions reductions as persuading 684 teenagers who do not recycle, to recycle comprehensively for the rest of their lives."研究人员表示:"说服一个美国家庭少要一个孩子的减排效果,相当于让684位从不回收利用的青少年在余生都坚持回收利用所减少的碳排放量。"

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